Tuesday, October 27, 2009

More Internet = Bigger Brain

"Grab your dicks and double click!"

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this article actually doesn't really have anything to do with porn. Oh wait, if you're a regular reader you already know the pictures rarely have much of anything to do with the actual articles, so no big deal.

Anyway, so you know how old people say computers rot your brains? Well now there's more scientific evidence than ever before that in fact their brains are rotting, and that regular internet use actually helps your brain.

The study that shows this is actually a follow up to a UCLA study done back in June. The study back in June actually found that people who regularly use the internet have more activity going on in the areas of their brains that deal with complex reasoning. Originally they believed that this was because people who were better equipped to deal with complex reasoning were more naturally drawn to the internet. There wasn't much steam behind this theory, and truthfully if you've ever interacted with random people on the internet you know that's pretty much bullshit.

This time around though they did a study on people ages 55-78. They took one group of people who used the internet, and another group who thought the internet was a new hip term the kids were using for devil worship, and did brain scans on them. After about a month of an hour a day of internet searching everyday, they found that the group who had not previously used the internet had more activity going on in the areas of the brain that deal with decision making and working memory.

So the internet can actually exercise your brain! Pretty cool, I'd say it's a far stretch that it actually makes you smarter. I mean yeah it helps you learn more useless shit... but aside from that I'm not sold. Keep reading the internet though folks, as it's officially NOT a waste of Bonus Time to sit on your ass in front of a computer.


Ryan said...

For more information on why we're doing better in Bonus Time than during any other time period, see the book Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today's Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter

Stef said...

I still say reality tv is complete garbage, but go internet and video games!