Friday, October 9, 2009

And The Winner Is....

Max! My good old buddy Max won the first ever Bonus Time contest, making him much cooler than you will ever be. He won for his comment on my fun fall activities article:

"My favorite October activity is counting all the douches dressed up as the Joker. Talk about beating a dead Heath... I mean horse.

It's the new crow."

Hilarious but also true! Max beat out all of the (one) other commenters! Reader Phil came close to grasping the prize, but couldn't pull it off as none of his comments were actual words! Better luck next time, Phil!

As per his reward I will purchase and drink a beer with Max (regardless of the fact that we do that all the time) and he has nominated Ron Perlman as his Bonus Time Hero of choice. Nice going Max! (Note: I'll be doing a feature post on Ron either later today or Monday)

And for everyone else who was going to comment but was too much of a coward, fuck you! Enjoy your non free beer this weekend, and your lack of Bonus fame and notoriety!

1 comment:

mqdavidson said...

Thank you, thank you.

I would like to thank the academy and everyone involved in bestowing upon me this great honor.

Furthermore, as "King of Bonus Time" for now until the Yankees Game comes on, and I lose my attention for anything not directly related to beer, baseball and wings (Note: Let's Fucking go AJ!), I hereby proclaim today Gamera appreciation day. Gamera for those who don't know is a giant turtle and protector of Tokyo from the Galactic Swarm. Gamera unlike the more known and internationally beloved Godzilla, never turned heel. He's always been fully committed to keeping it real, and helping communites by leveling buildings during battles. Furthermore, Gamera can fly via methane gas propulsion. That is right, just like Powdered Toast Man Gamera gains his mobility by the sheer power of Vitamin F. Farts, my friends, farts.

In conclusion, this story is directly related to Bonus Time as Gamera was an answer in last Sunday's NY Times Crossword puzzle, and last Sunday happened during Bonus Time.

It was the only answer I was 100 percent sure that I got right.

Thank you for your time and attention. Seeking now the permission of the Editor, (Stef, if this is okay with you) I suggest that the remainder of this thread be dedicated to Gamera and the ways in which he has directly affected all of our bonus times.

Keep it real.


PS: My word verification was Smiknor.