Monday, October 19, 2009

Go Into The Water (Live There, Die There)

Ha cha cha cha.

Over the weekend the country of Malvides held the world's first underwater cabinet meeting, and while one senior adviser was asked to leave after peeing in his wetsuit, it was for the most part a success.

President Mohamed Nasheed held the underwater meeting to bring more attention to the plight his nation faces. The President feels that if stronger measures are not taken to fight global warming and climate change, his nation will be doomed.

And the feeling seems to be that he is right, although it will take quite a bit of time, within the next 300 or so years, the island will disappear underneath the water completely. He went on to say that his country is living on borrowed time.

Hey no shit Sherlock, we're all living on borrowed time, it's called Bonus Time. SWALLOWED BY THE SEA ITSELF is a pretty bad ass way to die, and considering we all should have been taken out 9 years ago, I wouldn't really worry about what's going to happen in 300 years. Global Warming is a serious threat to Planet Earth, but if you think about all the other threats we're facing during Bonus Time, it's not the biggest.

Maybe instead of bitching and holding an underwater meeting, Malvides should do something cool like build an underwater city. That would be probably one of the most amazing things that could take place during Bonus Time. Even if they were just on a giant submarine like in Sea Quest that would be cooler. They'd be that weird country that just floats around in the giant submarine all the time. Earth could use that.

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