Friday, October 23, 2009

Snortin' the Seven Seas


Next time you're busting out that 8-ball maybe think about where it came from. Why? Because authorities in Guatemala recently busted traffickers trying to sneak about 10,000 kilos of cocaine into the US. Oh and by the way, they were trying to sneak it in using a makeshift submarine they had built.


3 Guatemalans and a Mexican national were busted in international waters by the efforts of the United States and Guatemala. Pretty clever way to try and sneak your drugs around fellas, but if you can build makeshift submarines that can hold almost 22,000 pounds, then why not do something cooler with them? I mean A+ for ingenuity, and apparently a solid 1/3 of the cocaine that comes into the US is snuck in this way. But I dunno, I'd be a pirate or some shit if I had my own sub. Or do the whole living underwater thing. I'm kinda focusing on that a lot lately... maybe it's time to create a Bonus Time city -- UNDERWATER.

Anyway these guys are Bonus Time winners for trying to do something amazing like smuggle a shit ton of drugs around in a home made sub. But they're losers pretty much for the same reason, so I guess the lesson here is . . . get coked up and build shit? Yeah, that works.

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