Friday, October 9, 2009

The Moon Goes Boom

Chewie's still cuttin' the crap out of his fur after this one.

As reported on last week, NASA has purposely crashed a probe into the moon.

As stated earlier NASA believes that there may be molecules of water, or hydroxyl (which can be used to easily synthesize water) on the moon. The prescience of either of these could make man's exploration, and even colonization of the Lunar surface much more convenient in the years to come.

So far however NASA has not come up with any results. While observatories on Earth noted being able to see plumes of Lunar dust coming off of the surface, NASA themselves is a bit iffy on the whole subject.

So we'll have to wait and see what happens with this. Moon Base 1 is still a ways off, but this is a step in the right direction. Also, if you have a telescope then look to the skies tonight. The debris from the explosion should be visible from Earth with aid of a small telescope.

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