Monday, October 5, 2009

Lady Gaga's Pre-Clownie Days

I found the above video to be pretty funny, if you couldn't figure it out the red headed chick is lady gaga on boiling point before she joined the circus.

I'm not sure what her deal is to be completely honest, I'm not even sure I'd heard one of her songs until a friend made me watch her scarey performance at this years VMA's (I still have nightmares). But I've heard a lot of hilarious things about this chick (including that she has a penis) and she generally dresses like a complete asshole wherever she goes, so it's pretty funny to see her looking normal. I mean thus far I had assumed she had been raised either by wolves, beyond pluto, or in some kind of stupid future.

How does this relate to Bonus Time? I dunno, don't dress like a dickhead? Ahh wait I got it, no chicks with dicks.

The Wittiest

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