Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy October

Yay October!

Although September feels like it never actually happened, it's now October. October's a great month especially for Bonus Time. October is one of the more mischeavous months, and I decided to make a short guide of some fun Bonus related activities that you and your friends can do during October.

  • Hunt Ghosts: Everyone knows the restless souls of the not so dearly departed are always more in touch with this plane of existence in October. What's more fun then finding some mystically endowed chains and beating some ghosts into undeath. Ghosts are also more pissed now because it's Bonus Time, and those dead assholes don't get to experience it to the fullest. I'm gonna go ghost hunting with some of my friends after work. You're not invited!
  • Apple Fight: Yeah Apples! Apples are like everywhere during the fall. Traditionally you might think of something as simple as a crab apple fight, or a pine cone fight or some shit, but skip all of that and go right for an Apple Fight. Apples are great to watch explode, and what's better then watching one burst into pieces as it collides with one of your dearest friends faces. If you knock your friends teeth out you get Bonus points, holy shit, more Bonus!
  • Ruin Some Corn Mazes: Corn Mazes are good for one thing, throwing corn up into the air and hoping it hits some other lost asshole in the head. That's why it's important that if you find yourself in a corn maze that you do your best to ruin it. Blaze your own path by kicking and stomping down the Corn walls that friendly farmers have prepared for you. It's a lot of fun, and it's a great work out!
  • Getting Tanked on Seasonal Drinks: Not only is there a bunch of really good beers this time of year, but my friend Claire said that if you put rum in ANYTHING this time of year you can get away with it by calling it a Hot Toddy. That name sounds fun, so you won't look like as much of an alcoholic around friends and loved ones.
  • Throwing Pumpkins at Things: Nothing is quite as satisfying as lobbing a pumpkin at something with all of your might. One time I had a girlfriend whose deaf father loved to carve jack o lanterns, it was really his thing. So one day I picked one of his pumpkins up and threw it at her car. It ruled.
  • Halloween: I'll focus more on this around the end of the month, but girls this is your excuse to dress like complete whores. And guys this is that great time of the year when you think girls are gonna stop dressing like complete whores because summer is over, but then they pull one last night of dressing like whores out and it's amazing. Plus it's an excuse to get absolutely tanked on some of those hot toddys I was talking about earlier.
  • Putting Gigantic Rocks In Leaf Piles: This is a double win because not only do assholes who jump in your leaf pile to ruin it get hurt, but assholes who drive through your leaf piles to ruin them get their cars completely ruined.
Chime in with your favorite fall activities in the comment section, and maybe if they're Bonus Worthy enough i'll make a second post. Oh and thanks again Claire for helping me think up a few of these!


Phil said...

Phil said...

mqdavidson said...

My favorite October activity is counting all the douches dressed up as the Joker. Talk about beating a dead Heath... I mean horse.

It's the new crow.