Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Moon Maybe Has Water

Photo from Bonus Times trip to the Moon.

First I'd just like to say yes, Bonus Time has been on the moon. That is one of the pictures from our trip there, and yes it was amazing.

Secondly, it looks like there might actually be water on the moon, as opposed to the commonly accepted theory that the moon was made entirely out of cheese.

Scientists aren't 100% sure about this yet (and they way they're planning to figure it out is fucking awesome, but more on that later) but at the very least the ingredients to make water appear to be scattered across the moons surface.

According to this article the only question now is whether or not this is actual water they're finding, or hydroxyl (which can be bound with hydrogen to make water). The big problem that's in the way is that these molecules are bound to other molecules all across the surface of the moon, and because of that there's simply not a lot of them. It is possible however that with a little effort this could become a renewable source of water on the moon which would, "
reduce the payloads that would need to be taken into space to maintain a future lunar outpost."

Moon Base One online.

Now how scientists determine whether or not these are actual water molecules, or hydroxyl is pretty awesome. Their plan? Smashing a probe into the moon.

I'm serious, that's what they're gonna do.

Sometimes scientists really seem to get shit right, and wanton destruction always gets a thumbs up here at Bonus Time. Their plan is to send a plume of the moon's surface into space so that they can study it in better light, and that's a hell of a way to go about it.

Anyway all of this is just dripping with Bonus Time awesomeness, I call having the first moon pool party. You all heard me call it, I have witnesses.

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