Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Very Bonus Contest!

So I kinda hinted at this last Friday, but because I had Monday off, and yesterday SUCKED we're getting to this a little later then I had planned.

Anyway I'm going to be having a contest, it will run from today, to next Thursday morning. The plan? Whoever can post the best, most bonus relevant (and humorous) comment on one of my articles over the next week will be the winner. All articles that I posted today, Wednesday the 30th (I posted like 8 to make up for the missed days, so get to em) are eligible, but anything before that is not. The contest will run like I said till next Thursday, October 8th at 5 PM. I will announce the winner most likely that evening or on Friday morning.

EVERYONE is eligible, and it looks like I've got a decent number of people reading this fairly regularly, so give it a shot. Not only do you get a chance at a prize, but you'll also be positively contributing to, and spending your Bonus Time. Win win, right?

The prize is a package deal which will include the following:

  • I will give you free reign over what goes on Bonus Time for a whole day, this will be for minimum of 3 but no more than 5 posts (unless I love the idea). This part is really open ended. I'll accept either you sending me a bunch of shit you'd like ME to write about, or YOU contributing to the blog for a day (and if I like what you write, maybe it becomes a permanent thing).
  • You will become an honorary Hero of Bonus Time, I'll do a focus profile of you on the site, and the facebook. You can skip this part if you want to remain anonymous, and if you chose to be anonymous I totally can respect and understand that. If you chose to remain anonymous I'll let you chose someone else who you feel is a hero of Bonus Time and I'll honor them.
  • And, the best part of all ...... a BEER! That's right, I will buy you a beer of your choice and we can sit together and drink it and talk about Bonus Time and stuff. This one only really works if you live in the New York area. If you don't then I'll figure something else out. If you don't drink you're a pussy, but I promise that if you absolutely don't want a beer I'll figure something else out.

Now there's gonna be certain stipulations to all of this. If you send me a bunch of retarded shit for your day then I'm going to tell you that. Hopefully so far I've given you all a good eye as to what actually flies for Bonus material, but if you're way to off the tee I'll let you know and hopefully we can figure something out.

The same goes for the hero, if you pick some dip shit like Kanye (who's already a villain and wouldn't work regardless) I'll let you know.

The beer is really where the world is your oyster, your choice of bar, your choice of beer, and it's on me. I really not gonna put a limit on this one, but know that it is ONE beer, but I will probably end up drinking like 15 and buying you at least a shot too cause I'm a fuckin great guy. Again if you don't live in the city (and are not willing to come hang out), or you don't drink we'll figure this part out. I'm sure I can figure out some kind of alternate prize.

And honestly, this goes above all else. If you don't know who I am, feel free to enter the contest as well. I might nix the beer part just cause of the creepy for both of us, but I'm willing to cross that bridge when we come to it. This is above all else a way to have fun, and to get the Bonus Faithful a little more involved in the blog.

Note: You can comment as many times as you want over the week, all comments will be eligible and considered.

So get to it bitches! Let's see those comments tally up!

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