Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bonus Time Winners

Going through the news today and picked up a very Bonus-y story on CNN.

If you're too lazy to click here's the deal.  This guy was arrested for stealing things then beating people up.  He's then sentenced to 35 years in Texas prison (read: they're gonna give him the chair, one of these days.) and is basicly fucked.  But then, in a very pro-Bonus Time decision he decides to escape from said prison in the most ridiculous and unbelievable style possible: a bunch of sheets tied together.  Yes that's right, he busted a hole in his wall, and then proceeded to rappel down the side of the prison using a series of tied together bed sheets.  Amazing, the last time I heard of that happening was in a Bugs Bunny cartoon.

Now while we can't necessarily condone the actions that lead this guy to be placed in prison, that's still a hell of a way to be living your Bonus Time.  Getting sent to prison for living your life how you want to, and then leaving not too shabby.

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