Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Bonus Time for a Jet!

Did you really think the word "Jet" being in the title would not equal a Jet Jaguar picture?

This article was pretty funny I have to say. A jet that was lost more than 50 years ago off the coast of California was recovered recently by "aircraft archeologists." Let me just take a minute here to laugh about that. Aircraft archeologists, that's great! I was so set to write a regular article (as if there is one of those around here) and then I read that and lost it.

I don't know who to give the thumbs up to here, the wreckage for being discovered after 50 years in the briney deep, or the people who found it for having such a ridiculous job title. Yah know what, I give up. I mean honestly is that just me?

Oh I also liked the part where they said the aircraft they recovered had been presumed lost at sea for all of these years. It's been 50 years, it WAS lost at sea that's pretty cut and dry.

Still I'll take any excuse to use a Jet Jaguar picture, and good for all of the clowns involved in this project. If you can make money doing this shit then good for you, viva Bonus Time!

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