Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bonus Time Hero Profile: Shaq

In Bonus Time we have a few different categories of people we like to focus on. Those are heroes, villains, icons, babes and members of overtime. A library of most of those different characters can be seen on our facebook page, and some of you may be familiar with most of if not all of them already. But as a special treat on the blog I wanted to go over a few of them here and there as they stick out in the media.

A Bonus Time hero is someone who is more often then not in the public eye (a celebrity, politician, sports start, etc.) that is living their Bonus Time to the very best of their capabilities. When flipping through the television channels last night it was clear to me who would be the first of our focus series.

If you click on this picture and print it out, you will have your own Shaq mask!

Shaq has really turned it on since the year 2000. It's almost like the big man knew Bonus Time had began before all of us, because if you look at his achievements following 2000 it's ridiculous. Not only did he win MVP in 2000, but he's also won 4 NBA world championships, and a ridiculous other number of almost MVP's and finals MVP's. But that's not all....

Shaq also revived his status as one of the most legendary rappers of all time. In 2006 after winning his fourth NBA championship he decided to fan the flames of his old rivalry with former team mate Kobe Bryant while also sending tremors through the rap world with his lyrical skill, and unrivaled prose.

Shaq also has taken his ability to the next level, challenging athletes from many different sports to compete against them in their own sport in his show "Shaq Vs." So far Shaq has had a home run derby against Albert Pujols, boxed Oscar Delahoya, swam against Michael Phelps, played football with Ben Roethlisberger and played beach volleyball with some hot chicks.

I'm pretty sure at some point in the video he hits a home run!

Regardless the big man has really turned it on since 2000, and makes a clear and inspiring case for being a Bonus Time hero.

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