Saturday, January 9, 2010


Just when you thought it was safe to go in the kitchen.

107.685 views per minute.  Thats how many times the original Charlie bit me video on youtube is viewed a minute, a total of 148,368,719 at the time of this writing.  Why is this important?  Because Charlie and Harry from the Charlie bit me video are Extras, people born during Bonus Time.

Yes there are quite a few amazing things that we've gotten and have been able to experience so far in Bonus Time, but the idea that countless people would not exist if not for Bonus Time is truly incredible.

But are Extras a good thing or a bad thing.  Only time will tell, with the aid of course of our very influence.  Will it be an Extra that starts World War 3, will an Extra be the first man on Mars?  What will the children of two Extras represent?  

The potential that Extras represent very well may be limitless.  So far there are only a few other bonus worth extras aside from Charlie and Harry, that kid who's all fucked up after he went to the dentist, the little Korean kid, Hero who sang Beatles songs, and the serious face baby.

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